Sherif et al's study aimed to investigate ingroup and outgroup behaviours and how this caused prejudice, investigates realistic conflict theory which is on the nature side of the debate
At the end of stage 1 they were made aware of each other's presence which created prejudice e.g. they better not be swimming in our hole - shows nurture side of the explanation
Certain phobias are due to nature not nurture, evolutionary approach says we can fear things due to natural selection, external stimuli may threaten our genetic material
Sent 8 pseudopatients into psychiatric hospitals to see if they would be found out as sane - mainly focused on nurture as it was looking at the effect of the environment
The multistore model of memory relies on nature as it explains the process of encoding information as it enters our sensory register throughout 5 senses before moving to STM which encodes acoustically and then to the LTM which encodes semantically
Sebastian and Hernandes Gil studied the digit span of 5-17 year olds and compared it to the digit span of elderly and Alzheimer's patients, everybody has a digit span and it is involved in mental processes - nature