A writer's ability to accept "uncertainties, misteries, doubts without any irritable reaching after fault of reason" - pursuing ideals of beauty, perfection, and sublimity without care for intellectual confusion and uncertainty
Chamelon (camelion) poet
A poet who is absent from his work, based on the assumption that poetry should emere from disinterested, amoral and selfless contemplation
Egotistical sublime
A poet who attempts to force his own philosophy upon the reader, using their imagination to modify and create
Mansion of many apartments
People were capable of different levels of thought. People who did not consider the world around them (probably people who did not write poetry) remained in the thoughtless chamber. Even though the door to move on to the next "apartment" was open, they had no desire to think any deeper and to go into that next apartment. If one moves to the 'chamber of maidenthought' they have the ability to move to more profound states.
Vale of soul making
Any attempts to improve one's life still ends in death. All humans have 'intelligence' that is developed into a soul through individual identity. Soul creation requires the humand heart and a world of feverish sufferings