a presenteconomicresource controlled by (the entity) as a result of (pastevents) an economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce (economicbenefits)
"controlled" - usually means owned. exception is lease, eg leasing equipment, cars, machines
"a (present obligation) of the entity to transfer (an economic resource) as a result of (past events)"
Present obligation means a duty to act or perform in a certain way in the future.
Transfer of an economic resource could involve cash settlement, or the provision of goods or services.
A past event must have already occurred, the intention to do something in future is not adequate.
"the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities"
"what's left of the assets, after liabilities are taken away"
This simply means what is left over after taking liabilities away from assets: Equity = Assets – liabilities
Equity is dependent on the definitions and measurement of assets and liabilities.
Income / revenue
‘increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, excluding contributions from holders of equity claims’
owners contributingcapital can never be considered income
most common: sales revenue. less common: gains (eg. selling NCA for profit)
the timing of income recognition is important
decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, that result in decreases in equity, excluding distributions to holders of equity claims (ie. drawings & paying owners' dividends)
recognition criteria
even though an item fits into a criteria, deciding WHEN it should be recorded is crucial
an item meeting the definition should be recorded if it is RELEVANT or FAITHFULLY REPRESENTED
e recognition criteria apply to assets, liabilities, income and expenses (not equity)
because equity is just a calculation (A-L)
Relevance ( probable)
recording an item may be irrelevant if:
1)It is uncertain whether an asset or liability exists
2) An asset or liability exists, but the probability of an inflow or outflow of economic benefits is low. (eg. a new car that won't turn on, don't record, useless)
don't record if: not sure asset will provide benefit, not sure liability requires repayment, not sure that revenue has been earned, not sure that expense has incurred
Faithful representation
recognition should be truthful, honest, representative of what firm's trying to show, affected by uncertainty of estimates.
If the level of uncertainty in estimating a value is high, the estimate may not be a faithful representation, and therefore not useful to users.
If an acceptable estimate cannot be found, an item should not be recorded
Recognition v Disclosure
recognised: if included in financial statements (ie. meets definition and recognition criteria)
disclosed (revealed): if included in notes of financial statements (ie. meets the definition but NOT the recognition criteria)
recognised = certain. disclosed = uncertain
an economic resource
controlled by the entity
potential to produce economic benefit
involves transfer of economicresource
due to pastevents
increase in assets / decrease in liabilites
increase in equity
not a contribution from owner
increase in liabilities / decrease in assets
decrease in equity
not drawings
income statement : income, expenses
balance sheet: assets, liabilities, owners equity
statement of changes in equity: owners equity
statement of cash flows: cash (one type of asset)
cash accounting
Records incomes and expenses at the TIME the cash is received or paid
eg. if someone buys an item on credit in june, paying in july, the cash will be recorded in july
accrual accounting
Records incomes and expenses when they are earned or incurred, regardless of the cash movement
income is recognised when earned, regardless of whether cash had already been received or is yet to be received.
Expenses are recognised when they are incurred, regardless of whether cash has been paid already, or is still owing.
when recording transaction BEFORE cash movements
selling inventory to customers on credit (ACC. rec)
purchasing inventory from suppliers on credit (ACC. pay)
when recording transaction AFTER cash movement
early payment - an asset
eg. prepaid rent, purchasing rent before the expense has incurred(ie. before the time period for rent)
early sales - a liability
eg. unearned income, selling inventory before the revenue was earned