B3.1 disease

Cards (24)

  • Health
    A state of both physical and mental well-being
  • Factors for good health

    • A well-balanced diet
    • Getting enough exercise
    • Getting enough sleep
    • Having access to medical care
    • Preventive medicines like vaccines
  • Factors for poor health

    • Lack of the factors for good health
    • Too much stress
  • Disease
    A large group of conditions that can cause ill health
  • Unhealthy diet
    Can lead to diabetes
  • Chicken pox or asthma
    Unrelated to lifestyle
  • Types of diseases
    • Communicable diseases (infectious diseases)
    • Non-communicable diseases
  • Communicable diseases
    • Common cold
    • Malaria
    • Meningitis
  • Non-communicable diseases generally start more slowly and last a long time, with some never going away
  • Problems with immune system

    Increased susceptibility to communicable diseases
  • Some viruses
    Can cause cancers (e.g. HPV and cervical cancer)
  • Immune system overreacting
    Can cause skin rashes and asthma
  • Severe physical health problems
    Can have a big impact on mental health
  • Physical disease impacting everyday activities

    Can cause problems like depression or chronic anxiety
  • Microorganisms
    A group of tiny organisms including bacteria, viruses, protists and fungi
  • Pathogens
    Microorganisms that can cause disease
  • Communicable/infectious diseases
    Diseases that can spread from person to person and affect both animals and plants
  • How pathogens spread from person to person
    1. Through the air (e.g. coughing, sneezing)
    2. Through contaminated food and water
    3. Through direct contact
  • Pathogens spread through the air

    • Influenza virus
    • Measles virus
  • Pathogens spread through contaminated food and water
    • Cholera (bacterial disease spread by contaminated water)
    • Salmonella (bacteria spread by contaminated food, particularly chicken)
  • Pathogens spread through direct contact

    • Athlete's foot (fungal infection spread by walking barefoot on contaminated surfaces)
  • Ways to reduce the spread of pathogens
    1. Being hygienic (e.g. washing hands, cleaning cooking items)
    2. Killing vectors (e.g. using insecticides to kill mosquitoes)
    3. Vaccinating people
    4. Isolating/quarantining infected people
  • The best way to prevent a pathogen from spreading is to vaccinate everybody
  • Quarantine is generally only used for really serious diseases that could harm others if spread