our personality development occurs in three stages and problems with this cause abnormal behaviours.
assumes our childhood experiences determine our behaviours and development into adulthood.
id: pleasure princple
first part of our unconscious personality to develop
instinctive and pleasure seeking
superego: morality principle
last part of our unconscious to develop
conscious ethics and morals
ego: reality principle
responsible for keeping the urges and demands balanced so neither dominate our personality
weak superego: cause someone to experience and internalise guilt. id is dominant so they won't feel remorse and are more likely to commit crimes than others.
harsh superego: cause someone to experience high guilt and anxiety. May commit crime in order to recieve punishment.
deviant superego: as a child, socialised into a family where crime is committed. Not experience guilt associated with breaking rules.
one of the earliest explanations to highlight the importance of family structure and socialisation on child development and how this can affect adult behaviours such as criminality.
theory is reliant on concepts, meaning it is hard to test in a scientific way. Since the superego is not something that is observable or testable, many doubt that it exists. If this is the case, the psychodynamic explanation is flawed.
there are anomilies the explanation cannot account for, some people commit crime though there is no criminal in the family or some grow up in a criminal family and do not commit crime.