animal welfare

Cards (7)

  • conditions for good animal welfare in livestock
    costs - resources: housing, space, feed, medicine, bedding - more expensive for customer
    benefits - better growth rate, increased reproductive success and higher quality products
    ethical considerations - intensive farming less ethical due to poorer animal welfare
  • steryotypy
    repetitive behaviours eg. pacing of big cats, trunk swinging
  • misdirected behaviour
    a natural behaviour that is directed inappropriately against itself, another animal or surroundings eg. feather plucking, chewing cage bars
  • failure in sexual behaviour
    may fail to preform sexual behaviour
  • failure in parental behaviour
    animals may reject or neglect offspring they produce
  • altered levels of activity
    eg. apathy in sows confined in sows
    hysteria among chickens and turkeys, leads to birds piling on top of each other causing death
  • behavioural indicators
    repetitive behaviours
    misdirected behaviours
    failure in sexual / parental behaviour
    altered levels of activity (very high or very low)