The study of adverseeffects of chemicals on living systems
Harmful or adverse effects
Mechanisms of action and exposure to chemicals as a cause of acute and chronic illness
Understanding physiology and pharmacology by using toxic agents as chemicalprobes
Recognition, identification, quantification of hazards from occupational exposure to chemicals
Discovery of new drugs and pesticides
Development of standards and regulations to protect humans and the environment from adverse effects of chemicals
Any chemical that is toxic and can cause serious harm to the body
What toxicologists aim to study about poisons
Detection of poison
Occurrence of poison
The properties of poison
The effects of poison
Treatment options for the poison
Regulation for the poison
Poisonous or deadly effects on the body by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption, or by direct contact with a chemical
Relating to poisonous or deadly effects on the body
Any chemical that can injure or kill humans, animals, or plants; a poison produced or as a by-product of human-made activities
Any poisonous substance of microbial, vegetable, or synthetic chemical origin that reacts with specific cellular components to kill cells, alter growth or development, or kill the organism
Toxic symptom
Any feeling or sign indicating the presence of a poison in the system
Toxic effects
The health effects that occur due to exposure to a toxic substance; also known as a poisonous effect on the body
Selective toxicity
A chemical will produce injury to one kind of living matter without harming another form of life, even though the two may exist close together
The actual amount of a chemical that enters the body, due to either acute (short) or chronic (long-term) exposure
The relationship between exposure and health effect, established by measuring the response relative to an increasing dose
Threshold dose
The dose or exposure level below which the harmful or adverse effects of a substance are not seen in a population (also known as NOAEL or NEL)
Individual susceptibility
Differences in types of responses to hazardous substances, between people
Sensitive sub-population
Persons who are more at risk from illness due to exposure to hazardous substances than the average, healthy person
Sub-disciplines of Toxicology
Environmental Toxicology
Occupational (Industrial) Toxicology
Regulatory Toxicology
Food Toxicology
Clinical Toxicology
Descriptive Toxicology
Forensic Toxicology
Analytical Toxicology
Mechanistic Toxicology
Applied Toxicology
Veterinary Toxicology
Factors determining adverse effects
Intrinsic toxicity
Exposure conditions
Response of host
Factors that Affect Chemical Toxicity
Dosage: acute exposure (large single exposures) and chronic exposure (small and continuous exposures)
Route of Exposure: ingestion, skin absorption or inhalation