module 1.3 integumentary system

Cards (6)

  • integumentary system
    • composed of skin, and its accessory structure, hair, nails, glands, muscle and nerves
    dermatology - medical specialty that deals with structure, function, and disorders of integumentary system
    dermatologist - the person, physician that specializes in dealing with skin issues in patients
    skin - aka cutaneous membrane, covers external surface of the body
  • function of the skin
    • adjusting blood flow in dermis
    • sweat production/limitation
  • high environmental regulation
    • sweat production is promoted as the evaporation of it cools down the body
    • vasodilation - expands blood vessel to promote more blood to flow, making heat easy to be released
  • low environmental regulation
    response - vasoconstriction (promotes heat reservation as few blood travels in the dermis, limitation of sweat
  • drugs involved in thermoregulation of integ
    • anti pyretic (COX inhibitor) - inhibits cox 2 (involved in increasing temp which produces swelling and inflammation), body temp does not increase
  • blood reservoir
    • dermis houses blood vessels which carry 8-10% of blood in adult