humanistic approach

Cards (15)

  • focuses on healthy growth in individuals and more positive psychology
  • rogers and maslow claim humans are self determining and have free will
  • individual uniqueness - person centred approach in psychology
  • reject scientific models that attempt to establish general principles of human behaviour
  • maslow - hierarchy of needs
    1. self actualisation - achieving full potential
    2. esteem - prestige and feelings of accomplishment
    3. belongingness and needs - intimate friends and relationships
    4. safety needs - security, safety
    5. physiological needs - food, water, rest etc
  • esteem, belongingness, safety needs and physiological needs need to be met before one can work towards self actualisation and achieve full potential
  • self actualisation achieved through congruence - ideal and real self balanced
  • incongruence - gap between real self and ideal is too big = self actualisation not possible due to negative feelings of self worth
  • client centred therapy - roger’s developed it to reduce gap between real and ideal self and to help people cope with life problems
  • X cultural bias - individual freedom, personal growth etc associated with individualistic cultures
  • X immeasurable concepts
  • X not reductionist - self actualisation can’t be scientifically observed
  • ✔️ not reductionist - consider behaviour as a whole
  • ✔️ valid - holistic approach so considers all aspects of human behaviour
  • ✔️ promotes a positive image - optimistic view of self
    • freud saw people as ‘slaves of their past’