communicable disease

Cards (14)

  • pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
  • pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, protists or fungi
  • bacteria are very small living cells
  • bacteria make you feel ill by producing toxins that damage cells and tissues
  • viruses are not cells
  • bacteria live inside cells and replicate themselves using the cell's machinery to produce many copies of themselves
  • protists are single-celled eukaryotes
  • malaria is an example of a protist
  • some fungi have a body made up of hyphae
  • the hyphae in fungi can produce spores, which can spread to other plants or animals
  • pathogens can be spread through water, air or direct contact
  • cholera is a bacterial infection that's spread by contaminated drinking water
  • the influenza virus is spread in the air
  • athelete's foot is a pathogen spread by direct contact