Why We Sleep

Cards (9)

  • Peter Tripp
    1950s radio host who stayed awake for 201 hours for a publicity stunt in a glass box in time square to raise money. He became crazy and paranoid a few days in and stripped naked
  • Recuperation theory
    The idea that wakefulness is inherently taxing and our body needs to reset to be able to work on a "clean slate" for the next day
  • Glymphatic system
    Cellular rinse that floods the extracellular space with CSF to clear out waste. ECM expands by 60% when we're asleep
  • Beta-amyloid
    Protein that exists in the healthy brain but buildup of it is correlated with Alzheimer's. Gets washed away when we sleep
  • Sleep increases your immune system's time to fight off pathogens, and each hour over 6 hours you sleep improves vaccine effectiveness by 50%
  • Growth hormone

    Encourages cell replacement and growth. Produced by the hypothalamus and released mostly during NREM3 sleep
  • Evolution adaptation theory

    Idea that all species evolved their sleep patterns to stay alive and minimize risks (like humans getting deactivated at night so they dont fall off a cliff)
  • Brain plasticity theory

    Idea that when you sleep your brain takes new information and moves it from "temporary" areas of the brain into more long-term memoey
  • NREM3 help us process declarative memory (facts) while REM sleep helps us with procedural memory (motor skills)