Merit and Demerit goods

Cards (5)

  • What is a merit good?
    • A good that is under consumed/produced when left to the free market due to a lack of profit incentive.
    • Has positive externalities
  • Why are merit goods under consumed?
    Consumers are unaware of the benefits they behold due to imperfect information = under provision
  • What are the 2 forms of imperfect information?
    Information failure - there is either no info, info is unclear, or the info is being ignored
    Asymmetric information - information is not equal
  • What are demerit goods?
    • A good that is over consumed/produced when left to the free market as firms are profit maximisers
    • Has negative externalities
  • Why are demerit goods overconsumed?
    Consumers and producers are unaware of the external consequences due to imperfect information = overprovision