General News - contains most important news both here and abroad; found on the front page; printed in big bold letters (banner headline)
Local and Foreign News Section - news from the towns and cities. another part contains news abroad
Editorial Page - called editorials. views or opinions of the editor or publisher on certain issues or events
Sports Page - events in and out of the country
Classified Ads Section - contains advertisements. personal and legal notices are also found here
Business and Finance Section - provides businessmen and people interested with information on banking, ForEx rates, imports and exports
Entertainment Section - contains information about movies, radio, television and other activities
Home and Culture Section - budgeting, food preparation, house improvement, proper plant care
Society Page - important or well known people
Travel and Tourism Section - guide to enjoyable travel. also schedule of the departure and arrival
Announcements and Obituary Page - news on the activities of the different religious sects. also list of people who died and the time and place of their burial