[B] Variation in Floral Features

Cards (12)

  • Variable features of flowers:
    1. Coloration
    2. Odor
    3. Sexuality
    4. Floral Distribution
    5. Symmetry
    6. Position of Ovary
    7. Fusion
    8. Number of Floral Parts
    9. Type of Peduncle
  • Flowers that have both stamens and pistils
    Perfect, bisexual, or hermaphroditic flowers
  • Imperfect flowers
    • Staminate - androecium only, also called male flowers
    • Pistillate - gynoecium only, also called female flowers
  • Identify the flowers sexuality (Ayo..)
    A) Perfect
    B) Imperfect, male, staminate
    C) Imperfect, female, pistillate
  • Floral Distribution:
    1. Polygamous - perfect and imperfect flowers in the same plant
    2. Monoecious - staminate and pistillate on the same plant
    3. Dioecious - all staminate or all pistillate
  • Plant species that has both monoecious and dioecious forms
    Sagittaria latifolia
  • Symmetry:
    • Radial (actinomorphic) - equal identical halves along any plane down the central axis
    • Bilateral (zygomorphic) - divided equally only by median vertical line in one definite direction
  • Position of the Ovary:
    • Hypogynous (superior) - ovary above the corolla, calyx, stamens
    • Perigynous - Similar to hypogynous, other floral parts are at the rim of the hypanthium
    • Epigynous (inferior) - ovary below calyx, corolla, stamens
  • Identify positions of the ovary:
    A) Superior and hypogynous
    B) Superior and perigynous
    C) Half inferior
    D) inferior epigynous
    E) Inferior epigynous
  • Fusion:
    1. Connation - similar parts are fused (petals fused)
    2. Adnation - dissimilar parts fused (petals and sepals fused)
  • Number of Floral Parts:
    1. Dicots - multiples of 4 or 5
    2. Monocots - multiples of 3
  • Type of Peduncle
    • Peduncle - One main stem holding the entire flower
    • Pedicels - Branches from the peduncle (flowers are called pedicillate)