[D] Inflorescences

Cards (13)

  • Label these inflorescence types:
    A) Catkin
    B) Glomerule
    C) Spadix
    D) Spathe
    E) Thryse
    F) Simple corymb
    G) Compound corymb
    H) Simple cyme
    I) Compound cyme
    J) Helicod cyme
    K) Capitulum
    L) Panicle
    M) Raceme
    N) Scape
    O) Spike
    P) Secund spikes
    Q) Simple umbel
    R) Compound umbel
    S) Verticil
  • Label the composite flowers parts:
    A) Ray
    B) Phyllary
    C) Receptacle
    D) Peduncle
    E) Disk
    F) Limb
    G) Claw
    H) Pappus
    I) Achene
    J) Stigma
    K) Staminal tube
    L) Lobe
    M) Corolla Tube
  • Florets sessile, exist on an elongated and lengthened peduncle
  • Spiked arrangement but peduncle is fleshy, hermaphroditic and partially covered by a spathe
  • Spiked arrangement that is in a drooping position, peduncle slightly fleshy, unisexual florets
    Catkin or ament
  • Unbranched spike with florets being pedicillate
  • Similar to raceme except peduncle branches, and pedicels attached to branches of peduncle, florets open simultaneously
  • Pedicels alternating, pedicels shorten so all florets have the same height and therefore have a flat appearance
  • Similar to corymb but innermost flowers are first to open
  • Short unbranched peduncle where all pedicels radiate from in a circular arrangement
  • Similar to umbel but the peduncle is branched
    Compound umbel
  • Umbel, except florets are sessile
    Composite or capitulum
  • Sessile or pedicillate, aggregate on one side of the stem node