Cards (11)

  • Corruption: abuse of power, often involving money or other valuable things.
  • Rank 4th: Rank of the Philippines as one of the most corrupt countries in Asia
  • 8/10: the score of the Philippines in a survey conducted by Hongkong based - Political and Economic Risk Consultancy
  • 77/102: ranking of the Philippines in terms of fighting graft and corruption, a survey conducted by the Transparency International
  • The Philippines got a score of 2.6 in corruption index with 10 as the highest possible score for a country that has no corruption.
  • 3.5: score of the Philippines in corruption index as surveyed by Corruption Perception Index
  • 101/176: Philippine ranking in corruption
  • Its ranking worsened to 101 and rank out of 176 countries compared to 95th place out of 168 in 2015.
  • In 2014, the Philippines was ranked 85th
    out of 175 countries, with a score of 3.8 out of 10.
  • Corruption Effects
    • Low investors
    • Negative impact on economic growth
    • Income inequality/Poverty
  • Government Actions
    • Anti-corruption Committees/Task Force
    • Ombudsman Act
    • Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act
    • Awareness Programs
    • Mamamayan Muna Program