Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus, Aspergillus spp. – aflatoxin-producing fungi; Common contaminants of improperly stored or expired feeds; AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2 – direct contaminants of grains and finished feeds; AFB1 – most ubiquitous, most toxic and most well studied; Salmon, channel catfish, tilapia, guppy, carps; Yellowish body surface opaque eye leading to blindness lesions on body surface, fin rot, pale gills; In shrimps - yellowish, then pink to red discoloration of shrimp's body and appendages; brownish red fecal matter; Weak, swim near pond dikes, soft-shell; Fish show abnormal swimming behavior, loss of appetite leading to poor growth, enlargement and yellowish liver with tumors, tumors may spread to kidney, necrosis of liver, high mortality; In shrimps - loss of appetite, retarded growth, increased susceptibility to systemic bacterial infection and shell disease, necrosis of hepatopancreatic tubules