6.2 leaf structure

Cards (13)

  • most leaves have a large surface area and are thin
  • large surface area because...
    it helps allow more diffusion of CO2 & more absorption of light for photosynthesis
  • thin because...
    it allows faster diffusion of CO2 to palisade mesophyll cells
  • chloroplasts - contain chrolophyll that absorbs light enegy for photosynthesis
  • cuticle - is waxy but thin, so it protects the leaf from water loss without blocking sunlight
  • guard cell & stomata - guard cells open & close the stomata to control and allow CO2 to diffuse into leaf and O2 to diffuse out
  • upper epirdemis - thin & transparent so it allows more light to reach palisade cells
  • palisade mesophyll - on top of leaf so the chloroplasts in the cells are able to absorb more light
  • spongy mesophyll w/ air spaces - air spaces allow CO2 to easily diffuse through the leaf
  • xylem vessels - bring water & minerals to the leaf
  • phloem vessels - transport sugars & amino acids away from the leaf to the rest of the plant
  • stomata is only in the lower epirdemis to reduce rate of water loss
  • pathway of CO2 from atmosphere to chloroplasts by diffusion:
    atmosphere > air spaces around spongy mesophyll > leaf mesophyll cells > chloroplast