" there is a middle way wherein sexuality is fully acknowledged and regarded compassionately without the need to indulge in actions which lead to suffering "
human sexuality
" sex is just another human drive "
role of parents
" social life begins with our parents "
meditation + breathing
" whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again "
" those who have entered [on the path] meditative will be released from mara's fetter "
role model
" even the gods envy those awakened and mindful ones who are intent on meditation, wise, delighting in the peace of the absence of desire "
shrines + worship
" the time and effort required to keep the shrine clean ... is considered a skilful activity "
pure land
" [pure land] is rich in a great variety of flowers and fruits, adorned with jewel trees "
bohisattva vow
" however innumerable sentient beings are i vow to save them "
" when the great being was practising severe austerities for six years it was to him like a time of intertwining the sky with knots "
buddha's meditation
" not until i attain the supreme enlightenment will i give up this seat of meditation "
the dharma
" my teaching is like a raft used to cross the river "
three refuges
" to the buddha for refuge i go, to the dharma for refuge i go, to the sangha for refuge i go "
dependent arising
" all events and incidents in life are so intimately linked with the fate of others that a single person on his or her own cannot even begin to act "
dharma + suffering
" what i teach is suffering and the cessation of suffering "
" if all the harm, fear and suffering in the world occur due to grasping onto the self, what use is that great demon to me? "
four noble truths
" when all of these duties have been fully performed, the mind gains total release "
" it is this craving which leads to renewed existence "
being mean
" if one acts or speaks with an evil mind, from that sorrow follows him "
" having reached perfection, fearless, without craving, without blemish, he has cut off the darts of existence "
merits vs money
" if the beggar has created more merits, then although he looks materially poor he is really the rich man "
" we can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves "
" whoever is not hostile among the hostile... him i call a [holy man] "
" we should not seek revenge on those who have committed crimes against us "
' one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings, and loving kindness towards all the world '