A close two way emotional bond between 2 individuals. They see the other as essential for their own emotionalsecurity
What is Reciprocity?
Description of how twopeopleinteract.Mother infant interaction is reciprocal in that both infant and mother respond to eachotherssignal and elicitaresponsefrom the other
What is interactional synchrony?
Mother and infant reflect both the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a coordinatedway
What was Meltzoff and Moore'sresearch?
Observed interactional synchrony in infants as young as 2 weeks old
The adult displayed 1 of 3facial expressions and the child's response was recorded and identified by independent observers
An association was found between the expression the adultdisplayed and the action of the baby
What was Isabellaetal'sresearch? ( Interactionalsynchrony)
Observed 30 mothers and infants together and assessed the degree of interactional synchrony
The researchers also assessed the quality of mother and infant interaction
High levels of synchrony were associated with better quality mother infantattachment
According to Schaffer and Emerson when do majority of babies become attached to their mother?
Around 7 months
According to Schaffer and Emerson when did most infants form an attachment with the father?
18 months
Evaluation of interactions: Criticising methodology
Interactions between mothers and infants show the samepattern with hand gestures and facial expressions
It is difficult to see if the infant is responding to the adult'ssignal
We cannot know for certain that behaviours seen in mother infant interaction have a special meaning
Simply observing behaviour does not tell us its importance
They are not useful in understanding child development and there is no purpose behind these behaviours
Evaluation of interactions: Goodvalidity and reliability
Observations of mother infant interactions are wellcontrolled so everything is recorded and analysed
Good inter-raterreliability as it was recorded
No demandcharacteristics so there is good validity and reliability
What 3behaviours are shown for an attachment to form?
Separation anxiety
Secure basebehaviour (even when independent of attachment figure we still maintain close proximity to them)
Evaluation of interactions: Practicalvalue vs Ethics
Practical Application has meant Parent Child Interaction Therapy has improved interactional synchrony in 20 low income mothers and their children
However, this research can be socially sensitive because it can be argued when a mother returns to work too soon after having a baby they may risk damaging their child's development
Evaluation of interactions: Lack of cross cultural support
Interactional synchrony does not have cross cultural support which weakens the idea that it is innate and necessary for attachment as it is not universal
Kenyan mothers had little interactions with their infants yet a high proportion of them were still classed as securely attached
This weakens the importance of caregiver infant interactions