What did Grossman's research reveal about the role of the father?
Carried out a longitudinalstudy looking into both parents behaviour and its relationship to the quality of the child's attachment into their teens
Results found that infant attachment was important for mothers
Mothers play a nurturing role whereas fathers are more important in play and stimulation
What did Tiffany Field's research find? ( father as primary caregivers)
Filmed 4 month old babies with primary caregiver mother, primary caregiver father and secondary caregiver father
Primary caregiver fathers acted like mothers e.g smiling, imitating and holding infants
This behaviour is important in building attachments
Fathers can be the nurturing attachment figure
AO3 Role of the Father: Itisnotsignificant
Children growing up in single or samesex parent familiesdonotdevelop any differently from those in 2 parent heterosexualfamilies
Fathers role as a secondary attachment figure is not important
AO3 Role of the Father: Men and Women have differentroles
Fathers don't tend to beprimaryattachmentfigures due to traditionalgenderroles where women are morenurturing and caring
Females have hormones that create higherlevels of oestrogen which create them to be morenurturing than men
AO3 Role of the father: Confusion around the role of the father
There is differentresearch on fathers as a primary and a secondarycaregiver so it is hard for psychologists to decide what actually is the role of the father
AO3 Role of the Father: RealWorldApplication
Research on role of the father can give parentsadvice
There is usually conflict on who the primarycaregiver should be so this offersreassuringadvice to parents
Parentalanxiety around the role of the father can be reduced
AO3 Role of the Father: Bias in research
Stereotypes on the rolesmen and women have as attachmentfigures may mean observerbias can happen in these pieces of research
This means that results may notbe as objective as theyseem