working memory model

Cards (8)

  • Baddeley et al argued that STM is more complex than a temporary 'waiting stage' before it passes into LTM. The dual task technique demonstrated that pts could easily complete a reasoning task and a digit span task simultaneously. they therefore concluded STM must have more than one component and be involved in processes rather than just storage.
  • central executive - responsible for monitoring and co - ordinating the two slave systems. the major role in attention, planning, synthesizing information. limited capacity.
  • phonological loop - holds limited amount of sounds for brief periods. it has 2 parts, phonological store - stores acoustically coded items and articulatory loop - subvocal repetition of verbal material (how much rehearsed in 2 seconds)
  • visuo spatial sketchpad - visuo means what things look like i.e. processing images. spatial means arrangement of things in 3D space. it is responsible for manipulating images and storing visual and spatial information. it has limited capacity.
  • capacity limits of 2 systems are independent of each other
  • both systems can be used simultaneously on 2 separate tasks which will be performed well
  • if 2 tasks use same component then performance will suffer due to limited capacity
  • episodic buffer - added later on as an extra storage system with limited capacity. it integrates information from the central executive, phonological loop, visuo spatial sketchpad and LTM. it plays a role in time sequencing