Energy-requiring reactions that involve the buildingofcomplexorganicmolecules from simplerones
Anabolic reactions
Dehydrating - releasewater
Endergonic - consumemoreenergy than they produce
Catabolicreactions provide buildingblocks for anabolicreactions and furnish the energyneeded to driveanabolicreactions
Anabolicreactions are coupled to ATPbreakdown, & catabolic reactions are coupled to ATP synthesis
Proteinsproduced by livingcells that catalyzechemicalreactions by lowering the energyrequired for a chemicalreaction to occur
Substances that speedup a chemicalreactionwithout being permanentlyaltered by it
Lock-and-key model
Eachenzyme acts on a specificsubstance (substrate) and catalyzesonlyone reaction
The enzymeorients the substrate into a position that increases the probability of a reaction
Enzyme specificity and efficiency
Specificity of enzymes is madepossible by the uniqueconfiguration of eachenzyme that enables it to "find" the correctsubstrate from amongthelargenumber of diversemolecules in the cell
Enzyme names
Usually end in "-ase"
Prefixes usually include either the reaction it catalyzes or describesitssubstrate
Consists of an apoenzyme (proteinportion) and a cofactor/coenzyme (non-proteincomponent)
Organic compound (e.g. vitamins)
Inorganic compound (e.g. ion)
Mechanism of enzymaticaction
1. Substratesurfacecontacts the activesite
2. The intermediate enzyme-substrate complexforms
3. Substratemolecule is transformed
4. Products are released from the enzyme
Factorsaffectingenzyme activity
Rate of (most) reactions increases as temperatureincreases
Rates are highest at certain optimaltemperaturebeyond which rateofreactiondrasticallydrops
The optimaltemperatureformostbacteria that cause humandisease is between 35C and 40C
The loss of a protein or enzyme'scharacteristic3-Dstructure causing the loss of structure & function
Mostenzymes have an optimum pH at which enzymeactivity & reactionrates are characteristicallymaximal
Extremechanges in pH can cause denaturation
Substrate concentration
There is a maximumrate at which a certainamount of enzyme can catalyze a specificreaction
Saturation - state where at highsubstrateconcentration, the active site of the enzyme is alwaysoccupied
Enzyme inhibitors
Competitive inhibitors - compete with the substrate for the activesite
Noncompetitive inhibitors - donotcompete with the substrate at the activesite
Feedback inhibition
The end-product of a metabolicpathwayinhibits an enzyme'sactivity at or near the start of the pathway
Reduction reaction
Gain of electron (e-) from anothermolecule
Oxidation reaction
Removal of electron (e-) from a molecule,producingenergy
Reduction and oxidation reactions are alwayscoupled (REDOXREACTION)
Oxidation reaction = release energy = catabolism
Reduction reaction = lose energy = anabolism
Dehydrogenation reactions
In manyoxidationreactions,electrons & protons (hydrogen ions, H+) are removed & released at the sametime
Energy production
Much of the energyreleasedduringredoxreactions is trappedwithin the cell by the formation of ATP
The addition of a phosphate (P) to a chemicalcompound
Substrate level phosphorylation
ATP is usually generated when a high-energy (P) is directlytransferred from a phosphorylatedcompound (substrate) to ADP
Oxidative phosphorylation
Electrons are transferred from organiccompounds to electroncarriers (FAD+ or NAD+), which are then passedthrough a series of electroncarriers (electron transport chain)
In photosynthesis, organicmolecules are synthesized with the energy of lightfrom the energy-poorbuildingblocks like CO2 and water
Metabolic pathways
Series of enzymaticallycatalyzedchemicalreactions that storeenergyin and release it fromorganicmolecules
Nutritional classification of organisms by source of energy
Nutritional classification of organisms by source of carbon
Calvin-Benson cycle
Threemolecules of CO2 are fixed and onemolecule of glyceraldehyde3-phosphate (G3P) is produced and leaves the cycle