The Jewish sacredtextcomprising of three sections: Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. Sacred texts, like the Tenakh, are the most importantsource of authority for many Jewish people.
What is the Talmud?
A collection of Jewishlaw and tradition; Mishnah and Gemaracollectedtogether.Study of the Talmud is an importantreligiousduty for Jewish men-the Talmud is the OralTorah.
What is meant by the term covenant?
A solemn and binding promise or agreement between two parties e.g between God, Abraham and Moses.
Who is Abraham?
He was the firstJew; the founder of Judaism. He is believed to be the biological and spiritual ancestor of the Jewish people.
What is the Promised Land?
The Land of Canaan, was promised to Abraham and his descendants by God (today known as Israel)
Who is Moses?
An importantprophet. He led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and took them to the Holy Landpromised to them by God. He is considered to be the onlyhuman to have encounteredGoddirectly (in the Burning Bush.)
What is the Magen David?
The Magen David star is believed to be a representation of the shield of King David, who was the first king of Jerusalem. A sixpointedstar which has become the symbol of Judaism. People of the Jewish faith were forced to wear the Star of David throughout the Holocaust in order to be recognised. The Star of David is also a common symbol depicted throughout the synagogue.
What is the Mezuzah?
Literally means ‘doorpost’. It is a scroll (Shema) enclosed in a case (often decorative and made of wood or metal). This is placed on the right-handside of eachdoorpost of everyroom within the Jewish home, apart from the bathroom. The mezuzah is a constantreminder Jews that God is omnipresent
What is the Tefillin?
These are smallleatherboxes containing passages from the Torah. They are strapped onto the forehead and leftarm for weekday and morningprayers. The tefillin are observed by OrthodoxJewishmen of BarMitzvahage and over.
What is Brit Milah?
The ceremony of circumcision – removal of the foreskin of the penis on the eighthdayafterbirth. Brit milah is regarded as a sign of God’scovenant with his chosenpeople; translates as ‘Covenant of the Cutting’.
What is the Bar Mitzvah?
The Bar Mitzvah ceremonies mark the tradition into adulthood for young Jews. At age 13 a boy becomes Bar Mitzvah. This includes a reading from the Torah. He is regarded as being oldenough to acceptresponsibility for his religiousbeliefs , he is responsible for keeping his 613mitzvoth.