
Cards (30)

  • 2 types of Greek prostitutes
    Heterai and Porne
  • Does prostitution count as adultery?
    No - openly talked about + some men had long term relationships withe prostitutes.
  • Name 4 positive things about being a prostitute.
    not under the control of a kyrios
    can run a business
    buy and sell land
    can have her own money
  • Name 4 negative things of being a Kyria.
    under the control of a kyrios
    cant run a business
    cant buy or sell land
    cant have her own money
  • Some facts about a Pornai
    almost all would have been slaves
    short encounters with their clients
    squalid and unhygienic conditions
    uneducated + low pay
  • What was a non-athenian woman called
    A metic
  • Some facts about a Hetairai
    free women - citizen or metic - considerable freedom
    long term relationships
    educated + well informed + well paid
    meet men at the Symposium
    dress well + expensive clothing too
  • How would you see Hetairai pictured on a Greek vase?

    See through clothing
    Women plays aulos or diaulos
    Sexy atmosphere
    Indoors - they work in the andron
    Being fondled with
  • Who was Naeira ?
    She was mistreated by men her whole life
    Naeira was raised a prostitute by Nicarete
    Was owned by Tim + Euc - but sold her to Phrynion
    He treated her very badly - she ran away
    She met Stephanus - and they fell in love - but he used her for an elaborate scheme - scamming people for money
    when she solder she brought to court - she has to be shared between Phrynion and Stephanus + return the stuff she took.
  • List all of the people who controlled Naeira
    Tim + Euc
    Law Courts
  • What 2 things could a prostitute do that a Kyria couldnt?
    No freedom to attend male parties
    Cannot leave her Kyrios.
  • Who was Aspasia?
    Heterai to important politician - Pericles
    She was a metic and he DIVORCED HIS WIFE FOR HER
  • Positive ideas about Aspasia?
    She had wisdom, good understanding of politics
    and even SOCRATES can to visit her
    she influenced alot of Pericles decisions.
  • Negative ideas about Aspasia

    Her career didn't match up to her qualities
    Ran a non- respectful business
    Broke up a marriage/is a metic
  • Why were some Hetetaira educated?
    Because some would have to entertain, or even just be a companion to, a well educated person and hold an intellectual conversations.
  • ROME
  • 3 facts about Prostitution in Roman Society?

    Can be freeborn or slaves
    Freeborn charge higher prices
    Prostitution is legal
  • What was the status of Roman prostitutes?
    Infamis - along with gladiators, actors ect
  • Name for a Roman prostitute?
    (higher/lower) Meretrix
  • Where did a lower Meretrix work?
    In a Lupnar
  • Who ran the Lupnars?
    Lena/Leno - female pimp
  • What did prostitutes have to wear?
    A toga (that showed their ankles)
  • Why did they wear a toga
    As a badge of shame
  • Cytheris/Lycoris
    Had a relationship with Mark Antony - made her his mistress.
  • How did he treat her?
    Like a matrona- tours of Italy, treated her - was made to break it off
  • Who was after Mark Antony ?
    Cornelius Gallus - fell deeply in love with her
  • What did Cornelius Gallus write for Cytheris/Lycoris?
    4 books of love poetry in her honour (ended up leaving him after a few years)
  • Who was Clodia?
    NOT A PROSTITUTE - she was wealthy, and notorious for her love affairs, although she was married to her 1st cousin.
  • Which lover wrote all of the poetry for Clodia/Lesbia?
  • Prescribed source - (when Clodia was accused of trying to poison a Greek ambassador)

    Pro Caelio