The word "church" comes from the Latin word "ecclesia" which means "convocation" or "assembly", which is derived from the Greek word "ekkalein" meaning "to call out" usually used in old Greektest to designate the assembly of chosen people before God.
The English word "church" and the German word "kirche" both come from the Greek "Kyriake", related to "Kyrios" meaning "Lord", which means "what belongs to the Lord"
The Church is the people that Godgathers in the whole world, the household of God, the flock of the sheep of Christ, a cultivated field, the building of God
The Church is referred to by many names to describe it, such as the house of God, the household of God in the Spirit, the dwelling-place of God among people, and the holy temple
The Church is the assembly of baptizedpersons who have a common faith in Jesus Christ, the Church that Jesus Himself established, the Body of Christ, the family of God, the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church
Church means an assembly of people. The church is a gathering of people who intend to pray, to worship God, to listen to God’s Word, and to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
Who founded the church
The Church is also called a sheepfold, the flock of the sheep of Christ, of which He is the door and the shepherd.