Lesson 3 The Apostolic foundation of the church

Cards (14)

  • Apostolic foundation of the church
    Refers to the apostles' unique role in the overall design of the church
  • The early Christians had a simple way to determine which the true Church is and which doctrines are the teachings of Jesus Christ. They would merely say: "Just trace the apostolic succession of those who claim that theirs is the true Church. "
  • The Catholic Church

    • Does not accept the limited perception of other beliefs
    • The Catholic faith teaches that Christ founded the church as a visible organization with central authority and constituted Church's leader
  • Apostles
    The original apostles were the witnesses to the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. They are the foundation stones of the Church. They were the ones who named their successors.
  • Jesus "appointed twelve [whom He also named apostles] that they might be with Him and He might send them forth to preach" (Mk 3:14)
  • The apostles entrusted the duty of continuing their work to their successors
    1. Apostles asked their successors to be the shepherds of the Church (cf. Acts 20:28)
    2. Apostles ensured that other worthy men would take over their ministry before they expired
    3. Jesus promised to remain with them until the end of time (cf Mt. 28:20)
    4. The sacred order of bishops took over, continuing to shepherd the Church established by Christ
  • By baptism, we are called modern-day apostles, marked for Christ and bearing His identity as baptized Christians
  • We are sent to witness to Christ through exemplary virtues and holiness as active young people in our respective parishes and communities.
  • The Church
    • Is a visible institution
    • Jesus' preaching of the Kingdom of God emphasized the features of the Church
    • Jesus made it clear that He wanted to build His Church upon the chosen twelve apostles
    • Jesus established His church upon the foundation of the apostles, with a particular emphasis on Peter, whom He designated as the foundational rock upon which the church would be built
    • Jesus provided the apostles with guidance for their preaching responsibilities
  • Marks of the True Church
    • Apostolic in mission
    • Apostolic in character
    • Apostolic in teachings
    • Apostolic in descent
  • Apostolic mission implies that the church is the fulfillment of the mission of the apostles who had been commissioned by jesus when he said "Go into the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature"
  • Apostolic in character means that her organization is basically and essentially the same as that of the Church mentioned in the acts of the Apostles.
  • The Catholic Church is apostolic in teachings.
  • Apostolic in descent means that the Church is built and remains on the foundation of the apostles with Christ himself as the capstone.