Patient HM

Cards (9)

  • Tonic clonic seizures

    Most severe form of seizures that involve loss of consciousness and convulsions
  • Medial temporal lobe

    The part of the brain where most epilepsy happens
  • Anterograde amnesia

    When you are unable to create new memories
  • Retrograde amnesia

    When you are unable to retrieve memories from your past
  • Patient HM
    Had 8cm of his MTL removed along with his hippocampus in an experimental lobotomy to cure his epilepsy that left him with anterograde amnesia
  • Semantic memories
    Declarative memories that are pieces of factual information
  • Episodic memories
    Declarative memories that are autobiographical facts about one's own life
  • HM's memories were temporally graded, meaning the further back you go the clearer the memories
  • Procedural memories

    Implicit memories that is knowing how to do things, like muscle memory or the priming effect. HM could get better at motor tasks even though he had no memory of doing them