atypical sex chromosome patterns

Cards (5)

  • klinfelters syndrome 1/600 males xxy 2/3 unaware
    physical characteristics decrease body hair breast development soft body contours
    psychological characteristics poor language and reading skills passive and shy lack interest activity not respond well to stress
  • turners syndrome 1/5000 females 45 chromosomes xo
    physical characteristics no menstrual cycle and physically immature
    psychological characteristics high reading ability low spatial and visual memory and math performance socially immature
  • -knowledge based limited samples to identify characteristics. need large sample database to see all symptoms mild-severe. in general those severe symptoms identified therefore picture typical symptoms can be distorted. broada 2009 report prospective studies produced more accurate pictures of symptoms. many dont experience problems and highly successful academia. therefore images may be exaggerated and only aware of of severe symptoms so ppl go underdiagnosed
  • by comparing ppl who have these syndromes with chromosomes. typical individuals become possible to see psych behavioural differences. may be logically inferred that those differences have bio basis and are a result of abnormal chromosomes structure supporting view innate influences on behavioural and psych symptoms. but social factors may be responsible for behavioural differences. social immaturity encouraged by treating them immaturely due to pre-pubescent appearance impacting academia. therefore best to conclude its interaction
  • +more research accurate diagnosis. austrailian study 87 individual ks showed that those identified and treated young had more benefits than those treated in adulthood. shows increased awareness led to practical applications but 2/3 ks unaware can be good avoid self-fulfilling prophecy knowing have condition creates self expectation of capabilities. therefore positive and negative outcomes