Cell division and stem cells

Cards (27)

  • What is mitosis used for?
    • Growth
    • Repair of damaged tissue
  • When does cell division occur?
    • An organism grows
    • Organisms need to be replaced with worn-out cells
    • Organisms need to repair damaged tissue.
  • Is mitosis haploid or diploid?
  • Is meiosis haploid or diploid?
  • Cells grow then divide by mitosis only when we need them. When a cell becomes cancerous, it begins to grow and divide uncontrollably. New cells are produced even if the body doesn't need them.
  • A group of cancerous cells produces a growth called a tumour.
  • Carcinogens cause cancer by damaging DNA which will cause mutations. A single mutation won't cause cancer - several are required.
  • How many daughter cells does mitosis prodcue?
  • How many chromosomes does a daughter cells of mitosis have?
  • Mitosis produces genetically identical daughter cells
  • What is a zygote?
    A fertilised egg cell.
  • What is meiosis used for?
    • To make sex cells - gametes
  • Meiosis produces genetically varied daughter cells
  • They divide once and their daughter cells have 46 chromosomes then they divide into 4 and their daughter cells have 23 chromosomes.
  • What are stem cells?
    They are undifferenced cells that can turn into any other cells
  • Where can stems cells be found in?
    • Embryos
    • Bone marrow in adults
    • Brain
    • Help grow organisms
  • What can stems cells be used for?
    • Type 1 diabetes
    • Sclerosis
    • Spinal cord or brain injury
  • Embryonic stem cells can differentiate into a wider of variety of stem cells but are difficult to obtain.
  • Adult stem cells will differentiate into a narrower range of stem cells.
  • What are the benefits on using your own stem cells?
    • No rejection
    • No need to find a donor
    • No need for tissue typing
  • What are the ethical issues to stem cells?
    • Embryos being killed
  • What are the clinical issues to stem cells?
    • Mutations have been observed in stem cells cultured for a long time and some behave like cancer cells
  • What are the social issues to stem cells?
    • Educating the public on what stem cells can do and can't is important
  • What are stem cells found in plants?
  • The main meristems are close to the top of the shoot and tip of the root
  • What is haploid?
    1 set of every 23 chromosomes
  • What is diploid?
    2 sets in every type of chromosomes