Geothermal Energy

Cards (14)

  • It come from the word Geo means "earth" And thermos meansmeans "heat"

    Geothermal Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
    •it is a renewable energy source
    •mostly found in plate boundaries where volcanoes are concentrated like ring of fire
    •themal energy is located under the magma
  • Type of Geothermal energy
    Geothermal power plant and Geothermal heat pumps
  • It is a way toto use the the heat from deep inside the earth to produce steam to generate electricity

    Geothermal power plant
  • It is a way to use the heat coming from the close to the earth surface to heat water or provide heat for building

    Geothermal heat pump
  • Build in an area that has a lot of hot spring, geyser, or volcanic activity.
  • It does not require the burning of any fossil fuel
  • Steps in geothermal power plant
    •hot water is pumped from underground through a well under high pressure
    •when water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water to turn into steam
    •the steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produce electricity
    •cooling tower cools down the steam and condenses back to the water
    •the cooled water is pumped back into the earth to begin the process again
  • •most common type
    •they work by pipping hot steam from underground reservoir directly into turbines from geothermal reservoir, which power the generator to provide electricity. 

    Dry steam power plant
  • After using the steam, where does it go
    Through injection well
  • Flash Steam Power Plant
    •they pump hot water at a high pressure from below the earth into a flash tank on the surface
    •the flash type is at much lower temperature causing the liquid to quickly flash into steam. The steam produceproduced power the turbine.
  • The Philippines ranked the second in the production of Geothermal energy
  • 41.4% is demand through geothermal energy, 28% coal, 11.4% hydro, 15% by natural gas, . 1% by wind solar and biofuel
  • Geothermal power plant in the Philippines
    •Tiwi, Albay
    •Kidapawan (North Cotobato)
    •Calaca, Laguna
    •Tongonan, Leyte
    •Bago City, Negros Occidental
    •Valencia, Negros Occidental
    •Bacon, Sorsogon