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The most widely used income poverty line internationally is the ________ measure or more precisely ________ at their 1985 value
one dollar a day OR 370 US dollars per year
The World Bank updated the global poverty lines in ____.
September 2022
The new extreme poverty line of $_______, which replaces
the $_____, is based on _____ PPPs.
2.15 per person per day AND 1.90 poverty line AND 2017
usually changes the income distribution in a country –
the extra pieces of the growing cake are not distributed to all members of
society in shares equal to their initial shares of the cake.
Economic growth
is often due to, and/or accompanied by, new market
Economic growth
If there is no macro-level evidence for systematic changes in income
distribution during economic growth, we can expect _____ to facilitate
poverty reduction.
HE notes on his discussion of the Human Development
Reports, that ‘arguably the biggest problem facing the world’s poor today is
not “_______” – in HDR terms – but too little growth of even quite
normal quality!’
Ravallion AND low quality growth
sometimes important to know not only the size of income a person has, but
its factor share distribution (____). E.g. what fraction of
income labor vs. capital receive.
functional inequality
gives additional, more detailed information on inequality in a country.
Functional inequality
the _________ give idea about relative poverty
(how much income
people in a country have relative to each other)
relative poverty
the number of people unable to satisfy some basic
absolute poverty
minimum amount of income (PPP
adjusted) that can be used to compare poverty internationally; typically $1 a
day or $2 a day.
poverty line
proportion of people below PL from the whole population.
headcount index (ratio)
(the number of people below the PL)
why poverty line? Simple. But there are issues: e.g. it matters if most people
are right below it, or far from it (_______ can result from that, explain)
policy bias
to measure the amount of poverty more precisely (instead of the binary
measure of being below or above the PL) we use another measure WHICH IS?
total poverty gap (TPG)
measures the total amount of income necessary to lift everyone below
the PL to that line
total poverty gap (TPG)
argues poverty should be measured in terms of three deprivations:
United Nations Development Programme
three deprivations
of life, of basic education, AND of overall economic provisioning
(the % of people unlikely to live beyond 40 years of age)
of life
(the % of adults who are illiterate)
of basic education
(% of people without access to safe water +
% of children underweight for their age)
of overall economic provisioning
COUNTRIES THAT perform better on HPI.
Nigeria, Nicaragua, Bolivia, AND Tanzania