Scottish philosopher, economist and historian in the Age of Enlightenment
David Hume
Fierce opponent of Descartes Rationalism
One of the three figureheads (Locke and George Berkeley) who influenced the British Empiricism movement
A theory that reason, rather than experience, is the foundation of all knowledge
The idea that the origin of all knowledge is a sense experience, emphasizing the role of experience and evidence in forming concepts
Self (according to Hume)
Nothing else but a bundle of impressions
Types of mental states (according to Hume)
The basic objects of our experience or sensation, forming the core of our thoughts, vivid because they are products of our direct experience with the world
Copies of impressions
David Hume: 'Self is simply "a bundle of collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement."'