
Cards (9)

  • David Hume
    Scottish philosopher, economist and historian in the Age of Enlightenment
  • David Hume
    • Fierce opponent of Descartes Rationalism
    • One of the three figureheads (Locke and George Berkeley) who influenced the British Empiricism movement
  • Rationalism
    A theory that reason, rather than experience, is the foundation of all knowledge
  • Empiricism
    The idea that the origin of all knowledge is a sense experience, emphasizing the role of experience and evidence in forming concepts
  • Self (according to Hume)

    Nothing else but a bundle of impressions
  • Types of mental states (according to Hume)
    • Impressions
    • Ideas
  • Impressions
    The basic objects of our experience or sensation, forming the core of our thoughts, vivid because they are products of our direct experience with the world
  • Ideas
    Copies of impressions
  • David Hume: 'Self is simply "a bundle of collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement."'