The posting of overt uniformed personnel to stationary assignments and installations to secure & protect personnel, property and cargoes within customs zone
Establishment and management of Joint Intelligence and Enforcement Center manned by ESS and CIIS personnel to receive, collect, collate, and evaluate information on violations and evasions of the Tariff & Customs Laws
To serve as the contact office between the NAIA Customs House and other government and non-government agencies in the enforcement of tariff and customs laws
Supervises and coordinates the activities of a group of intelligence officers such as investigations on acts of economic espionage, sabotage, subversion and violations
Enforce law and order on aircraft at airport within Customs Areas for the protection of life, property and the revenue; Controls traffic flow within customs zone
1. The District Commander, ESS and Officer-in-charge, CIIS shall prepare their respective assignments for their personnel based on a 2-shift or 3-shift schedule on a weekly or monthly basis
2. CIIS and ESS personnel shall functions as the "nerve center" of the Customs Passenger and Baggage Clearing Operations assisting the District Collector, Deputy Collector, and Chief of Arrival Operations Division in making responsive decisions
is disseminated to alert concerned units on the tendency or possibility of an attempt to smuggle, defraud, the governments of its lawful revenue or entry of any banned articles
is disseminated to action units to prevent or suppress an attempt to smuggle and defraud the government of its lawful revenue or entry of banned articles
is relating to previous information and intelligence on file to determine developing patterns and to plan future operations/pro-actions to meet general or specific situations