The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the criteria for selecting and changing accounting policies, together with the accounting treatment and disclosure of changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and corrections of errors.
Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and errors
Accounting Policies
specific principles, bases, conventions, rules, and practices applied by entity in preparing financial statements.
Consistency of accounting policies
Policies should be consistent for similar transactions, events, and conditions
If change is due to newstandard / interpretation, apply transitional provisions.
If notransitionalprovisions, apply retrospectively.
Selection and application of accounting policies:
• If a standard or interpretation deals with atransaction. use that standard or intercretation
IF no standard of interpretation deals with a transaction, judgment should be applied.
The following sources should be referred to, to make the judgement:
• Requirements and guidance in other standards/ interpretations dealing with
Definitions, recognition criteria in the framework
May use other GAAP that use a similar conceptual framework and/or may consult other industry practice or accounting literature that is not in conflict with standards
Changes in Accounting policy
Retrospective application
Changes in accounting policies
The new accounting policy is applied to transactions.
Changes in accounting estimates
Prospective application
Changing in accounting estimates
The effect is recognized in the current and future periods affected by the change.
Prior period error
retrospective restatement
Prior period error
recognition, measurement, and disclosure of amounts of elements of financial statements are corrected as if a prior period error had never occured.
Accounting policies examples
Inventory costing (FIFO)
Accounting for PPE (cost or revaluation model)
Selection and application of accounting policies
Hierarchy of guidance
Specific standards
Judgement; a. similar matters, b. conceptual framework, c. other standard-setting bodies, d. other accounting literature
Consistency of accounting policies exempt/ unless, a standard specifically requires or permits categorization of items
Changes in Accounting Policies
permitted to change only if:
Required by standard
results in fs providing reliable and more relevant information
changes in accounting policies do not include applying to a kind of transaction that DID NOT OCCUR OR IMMATERIAL.
Application of Change in accounting policy
Mandatory> with transitional provisions > Follow transitio prov
Application of Changes in accounting policy
no trans provisions/ voluntary > Retrospective application
This is change in accounting policy.
Retained earnings 250k
Inventory, Beg.250k
Accounting estimates
monetary amounts in financial statements that are subject to measurement UNCERTAINTY.
Bad debts
Inventory obsolescene
Fair values of Financial Assets/ Liabilties
Useful Lives of and depreciation patterns of fixed assets
Warranty obligations
The effect of a change in accounting estimate shall be recognized prospectively by including it in profit or loss in:
The period of the change- change affects that period only
Period of change and future periods- affects both
This is a change of accounting estimate
1. No entry needed since this is prospective application.
2. Depreciation Expense. 560k
Accumulated Depreciation 560K
3. 1,120,000
Prior Period Errors
Omissions from, and misstatements in, an entity’s financial statements for one or more prior periods arising from a FAILURE TO USE, OR MISUSE of, reliable information
Prior period errors result from:
Mathematical Mistakes
Mistakes in applying accounting policies
Misinterpretations of facts/ fraud
Statement of Financial position errors
errors that affect the statement of financial position or real accounts only.
entry is simply to reclassify the account balances.
Income Statement errors
Errors that affect the income statement or nominal accounts only.
improper classification of revenue/ expense
no effect on SFS and net income
Reclassifying entry is necessary ONLY IF the error is discovered in the same year committed.
Errors that affect BS and IS accounts
result in a misstatement of net income
classified counterbalancing errors and non-counterbalancing errors.
Counter balancing errors
Errors if not detected are automatically offset or corrected over two periods.
Restatement is necessary even if a correcting journal entry is not required.
Net income of two successive periods are misstated.
Counterbalancing errors include the misstatements of the following:
Prepaid expenses
Deferred income
accrued expense
accrued income
Books are open
if the error counterbalanced, entry is to correct the current period and adjust the beg balance of RE.
If the error is not yet counterbalanced, entry is necessary to adjust the beg bal of re and correct the current period.
Books are closed
If error is counterbalanced, No entry is necessary.
If error is not yet counterbalanced, an entry is necessary to adjust the present bal of RE.
Non counterbalancing errors
errors which take longer than two periods to correct.
carried over to the subsequent accounting period
Error Analysis and Correction
-entity must correct all material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of financial statements
-restating the comparative amounts for the prior periods
If it is impracticable to determine the period specific effects of an error, the entity must restate the opening balances of ALE for the earliest period for which retrospective restatement is practicable.
if it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect, entity must restate the comparative info to correct the error prospectively
A change in accounting policy that an IFRS requires is an INVOLUNTARY change in accounting policy.
Voluntary change in accounting policy
change is because the management assess that the financial statements would be more relevant to the users.