Cards (18)

  • happened in the Phillipines
  • 314mph winds
  • storm brought 400mm of rainfall
  • storm surges were 5m high
  • life expectancy of Phillipines - 69 years
  • HDI : 0.71 (UK is 0.93)
  • the Phillipines is a NEE - in 2010 : 60% of jobs were in the service industry
  • the Phillipines is an archipelago in South-East Asia - west of the Pacific Ocean
  • economic impacts
    • 30,000 fishing boats destroyed
    • 33 million coconut trees destroyed
    • 1/3 of agricultural land used to grow rice in Phillipines = destroyed
  • social impacts
    • 90% of Tacloban City destroyed
    • 7000 deaths
    • widespread looting
    • 4.1 million people made homeless
  • environmental impacts
    • coral reef = destroyed
    • fishing water was contaminated by a 800,000 litre oil leak and fishing had to stop
    • seawater was contaminated
    • all trees were uprooted = loss of biodiversity , more surface runoff , less interception
  • Talcoban City Convention Center first floor was submerged and 1000 people died
  • 1000 police reported for duty communications - due to being a poor country and communication covering over 7000 islands. Couldn't do as much help as required
  • Clean up operations:
    • 70/2500 workers cleaned up , rest = killed
    • detectives from Switzerland were called in to identify bodies and to stop spread of disease
  • Oxfam donated 30,000 fishing boats
  • damaged coconut trees were used in construction of new homes - more resistant
  • 400 tonnes of rice seeds distributed to farmers
  • Build Bark Better Scheme
    • construction of climate resistant houses to withstand tropical storms
    • set up employment scheme
    • used hazard mapping