
Cards (8)

  • Main female reproductive hormone
    Oestrogen, produced by the ovaries
  • Rising oestrogen levels

    Trigger the development of female secondary sexual characteristics ages 8-14
  • Main changes during puberty
    • Growth spurt
    • Underarm hair
    • Pubic hair
    • Breast development
    • External genitalia grow
    • Skin darkens
    • Fat deposited on hips, buttocks & thighs
    • Brain changes/matures
    • Menstruation begins
  • Menstrual cycle
    1. Eggs mature in the ovary each month
    2. Uterus produces a thickened lining for pregnancy
    3. Every 28 days a mature egg is released (ovulation)
    4. If egg not fertilised, the lining of the uterus is shed along with the egg
  • Hormones involved in the menstrual cycle
    • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - causes eggs in ovary to mature
    • Luteinising hormone (LH) - stimulates the release of the egg at ovulation
    • Oestrogen and progesterone - stimulate the build-up and maintenance of the uterus lining
  • Ovaries of a baby girl contain all the eggs she will ever have
  • After puberty, eggs mature and are released every month
  • Eventually the supply of eggs runs out and the woman goes through menopause