Cards (23)

  • Global Citizenship Education
    An overall approach to education that focuses on developing students' understanding of other cultures, the history and geography of different countries and people and the current events faced in various parts of the world
  • Global Citizenship
    The idea that all people have civic responsibilities to the world as a whole, rather than just their local communities or countries
  • Global Citizen
    • Someone who is AWARE, CONSCIOUS, and UNDERSTANDS their place in the larger world
  • "a good citizen must have the ability and wisdom to govern, moderation and prudence, and knowledge what is right"
  • Global citizens include
    • individuals, corporations, global nomads, young and old, big and small, public and private, introverts and extroverts, men and women and children and anyone in between
  • Difference between Global Citizenship and Global Citizen
    Global Citizenship is the overall concept, while a Global Citizen is an individual who embodies the values and characteristics of global citizenship
  • The Human Genome Project has shown that scientifically, we are all one
  • New technologies enable us to connect with more people in more ways than ever before, allowing us to discover our similarities and differences, better understand our interdependencies, and expand our worldviews
  • Implications of Global Citizenship
    • Technology
    • Youth, education and workforce mobility
    • Leadership
    • Environment and climate change
    • Business
    • Cities and urbanization
    • Politics
  • Peace
    Absence of war or chaos, means the presence of HARMONY, UNDERSTANDING, TRANQUILITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, RESPECT, and TOLERANCE
  • Peace Education
    Promotes the knowledge, skills and attitudes to help people prevent conflict occurring, resolve conflicts peacefully, or create conditions for peace
  • Core values of Peace Education
    • Nonviolence
    • Social justice
  • World Citizen Peace Education focuses on the Five Peace Actions

    • SEEK peace within yourself and others
    • REACH OUT in service
    • PROTECT the environment
    • RESPECT diversity
    • BE a responsible citizen of the world
  • The Conflict Principle
    Conflict is a balancing of powers among interests, capabilities, and wills. Conflict behavior, whether hostile actions, violence, or war, is then a means and manifestation of this process.
  • The Cooperation Principle
    Cooperation depends on expectations aligned with power. Through conflict in a specific situation, a balance of powers and associated agreement are achieved.
  • The Gap Principle
    A gap between expectations and power causes conflict.
  • The Helix Principle

    Conflict becomes less intense, cooperation more lasting. If interaction occurs in a closed system or is free from sudden, sharp changes, then through conflict and cooperation people gradually learn more about each other, their mutual adjustments come easier, their expectations more harmonious and lasting.
  • Globalization is the process by which organizations develop international influence or operate on an international scale, driven by economics, business and money
  • The Philippines is a developing country that has been affected by globalization since signing agreements with the WTO in 1995
  • Globalization has allowed major changes in the Philippines like more labor and more Filipino and foreign companies emerging to help the developing economy
  • The Philippines has four regions that globalization has targeted: Liberalization, mobility of capital, Technology, and management of organization through private and public sectors
  • Globalization has opened the Philippine economy to foreign trade and investment, and allowed Filipino workers to travel the world for better economic opportunities
  • Globalization can make the Philippines into a better nation if the Philippine leaders make their economy more advanced through global trading and allowing more foreign investors