Brain structure

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  • Brain
    Protected in skull (sku11) and encased in protective membranes called meninges
  • Brain
    Made up of billions of interconnecting neurones, that form different regions
  • Brain regions
    • Cerebral cortex
    • Cerebellum
    • Medulla
    • Hypothalamus
    • Pituitary gland
  • Cerebral cortex
    • Concerned with consciousness, intelligence, memory, language
  • Cerebellum
    • Concerned with coordinating muscular activity and balance
  • Medulla
    • Concerned with unconsciousness, eg heartbeat, movements of the gut, breathing
  • Hypothalamus
    • Controls body temperature
  • Pituitary gland
    • Produces different chemicals (hormones) which coordinate and control body systems
  • Matching behaviour/memory with damaged area has helped scientists map the functions of some parts of the brain
  • Phineas Gage survived for 13 years after an iron rod went through his skull
  • After the accident, Phineas Gage became wild, rude and unreliable, though he was previously polite and hardworking
  • Modern scans show the accident removed part of Phineas Gage's cerebral cortex
  • If someone develops a tumor in the brain or has a stroke, it will affect their behaviour
  • MRI
    Magnetic resonance imaging, a scan that shows exactly what area of the brain is affected
  • MRI scans enable scientists to link the loss of a certain function, such as speech, with damage to a particular region of the brain
  • Scientists can expose the brain by removing the top of the skull and stimulate different areas to see the effect
  • There are no sensory nerves in the brain, so surgery can be done on conscious patients
  • People can experience hunger, anger, fear and thirst because the relevant area of the brain is stimulated
  • The brain
    • It is complex and delicate
    • Many processes involve many different neurons and chemicals released in synapses
    • It is easily damaged or destroyed, making it difficult to investigate brain disorders and treat them
    • Drugs don't always reach the brain through the membranes
    • Surgery is difficult because it's not fully understood what each area of the brain actually does