
Cards (69)

  • Minerals - it is a naturally occurring inorganic element of compound having an orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical composition. Building blocks of rocks
  • Mineralogy - Is the study of minerals
  • Characteristics of Minerals:
    1. Naturally-Occurring
    2. Inorganic
    3. Homogeneous Solid
    4. Has definite chemical Composition
    5. Crystalline Shape
  • Properties of Minerals:
    1. Color
    2. Streak
    3. Hardness
    4. Cleavage
    5. Luster
    6. Specific Gravity
  • Color - is caused by the absorption, or lack thereof, of visible light by their crystalline structure.
  • Luster - Refers to the quality of light on the surface of a rock, crystal, or mineral
  • Hardness - ability to resist scratching or abrasion
  • Cleavage - is the tendency of a mineral to split or cleave along the plane of weakness
  • Specific Gravity - is to measure of relative density of a mineral
  • Streak - is the color of powdered mineral produced hen it is dragged across an unweather surface.
  • Rocks - a natural-occurring aggregate or combination of minerals and mineraloid, such as fossils and glass. The natural building block of the earth's lithosphere
  • Petrology - is the scientific study of rocks
  • Igneous rocks - formed from hardening and crystallization of magma or molten material that originated deep within the earth
  • Two types of igneous rock:
    1. Extrusive / Volcanic rock
    2. Intrusive / Plutonic
  • Extrusive - forms when magma makes it way to earth's surface as lave and then cools.
  • Intrusive - it cools slowly beneath the earths surface and are created by magma.
  • Sedimentary Rocks - rocks that are accumulated on earth's surface in a process called deposition
  • 3 types of sedimentary rocks:
    1. Clastic
    2. Chemical
    3. Organic
  • Clastic - formed from the accumulation of clasts: little pieces of broken rocks and shells
  • Chimical - formed when dissolved minerals precipitate from a solution.
  • Organic - rocks formed from the accumulation of animal debris
  • Metamorphic rocks - forms from pre-existing rocks: methamorphic, igneous, sedimentary or other metamorphic rocks that have been altered by agents of metamorphism
  • Metamorphism - transformation of one rock type into another
  • two types of metamorphism:
    1. Contact
    2. Regional
  • Contact - the rock minerals and textures are changed mainly by head due to contact with magma
  • Regional - due to changes in pressure and temperature over large region of the crust. It may happen when rock is buried deep below the surface of the earth
  • Types of Metamorphic Rocks:
    1. foliated
    2. Non-foliated
  • Foliated - can be arranged in terms of increasing metamorphism, and it appeared layered or banded with compressed mineral grains.
  • Non foliated - usually made up of only few mineral
  • Geomorphic Processes - physical processes create and modify landforms on the surface of the earth
  • Exogenic process - also called gradational process, the comprise degradation and aggradation. a CONTINUUM of process
  • Exogenic process - are processes that take place at or near the earth's surface that makes the surface wear away
  • Types of Exogenic Process:
    1. Weathering
    2. Erosion
    3. Mass Wasting
  • Weathering - is the general term applied to the combined action of all physical and chemical processes that disintegrate and decompose rocks near the earth's surface through the elements of weathering
  • Types of Weathering:
    1. Physical
    2. Chemical
    3. Biotic
  • Physical Weathering - happens whenever rocks are broken up without any change in their chemical composition. Sometimes called as mechanical weathering
  • Examples of Physical Weathering:
    1. Block disintegration
    2. Exfoliation
    3. Frost Action
  • Block disintegration - caused by successive heating and cooling that cause the expansion and contraction of rocks
  • Exfoliation - is the stripping of the outer layers of rocks due to intense heating
  • Chemical Weathering - is the weakening or disintegration of rocks and the formation of new compounds or new substances caused by chemical reaction