Rio de Janeiro

Cards (23)

  • what is urbanisation?
    the proportion of the worlds population who live in cities
  • what is natural increase?
    the number of birth rates is higher than the death rate
  • what are megacities?

    a city with a population over 10 million
  • what is rural to urban migration?
    Movement of people from countryside to cities
  • what is a push factor?
    A factor that motivates people to leave their current location and move elsewhere
  • what is a pull factor?
    reasons why people are attracted to the city
  • where is rio de janero?
    Brazil- it has four main zones north zone(squatter settlements), centro(city centre), west zone(wealthy suburbs) and south zone(Rocinha, beaches and hotels)
  • why is rio an important city?

    cultural capital of brazil
    world heritage site
    host of 2016 olympics and 2014 world cup
    christ the redeemer
    a major port
    important international transport hub
  • why has rio grown?
    economic activities attract migrants
  • what are the social challenges in rio?
    -access to healthcare facilities
    -access to water supply
    -electricity supply
  • how do solutions create opportunities?
    healthcare-medical staff detect and treat 20 different diseases in peoples homes
    education-given school grants to poor families, opened a private uni in rocinha
    water supply-300km of new pipes and 7 treatments plants built, by 2014 95%of the population had mains water
    energy-60km of new power lines installed, a new nuclear generator built
  • what are the types of employment in rio?
    service industries
    oil refining
    port industries
  • what are the economic challenges of rio?
    unemployment- unemployment rates in favelas are over 20% most people work in informal economy
    crime-murder,kidnapping,armed assult,car jacking occur reulary, powerful gangs control drug trafficking in most favellas
  • what are the solutions to the economic challenges?
    unemployment- schools of tomorrow programme aims to improve education in poor and violent areas, free child care enables teenage parents to go back to education
    crime-in 2013 pacifying police units were established to reclaim the favelas from drug dealers, police have taken control of some crime dominated favelas
  • what are the environmental challenges of rio?
    air pollution/traffic congestion- number of cars has increased due to high crime rates and so there is air pollution that creates a round 5000 deaths per year
    water pollution-ships empty their fuel tanks in the bay, oil spills, river polluted by sewers in favelas
    waste pollution-many favelas live on high slopes with few proper roads so waste collection is difficult and waste piles up polluting water systems and causes diseases
  • what are the solutions to the environmental challenges ?
    air pollution-expansion of metro system, new toll roads, making coast roads one way during rush hour
    water pollution-12 new sewage works have been built since 2004, ships fined for dumping fuel illegally, 5km of new sewage pipes been installed
    waste pollution- a power plant has been set up which consumes 30 tonnes of rubbish a day and produces over 1000 homes with electricity
  • what is a favela ?
    a illegal settlement where people build homes on land they do not own
  • what is rocinha ?
    it is the largest favela in rio with a population of around 100-200 thousand people
  • what are the challenges in favelas?
    crime-a high murder rate of 20 per 1000 people, drug gangs can dominate
    health-infant mortality rate is 50 per 1000, waste cannot be disposed of so builds up on street causing diseases
    services- in the no improved favelas= 12% of homes have no running water, 30% have no electricity, 50% have no sewerage connections
    construction-houses are built with basic materials on steep slopes, heavy rain can cause landslides
    unemployment-unemployment rates are 20%, average income is less than £75 a month
  • what is the favela barrio project?

    this is a scheme set up to provide land and services for residents to build homes
  • what are the improvements on Complexo do Alemao?
    paved roads, access to water supply, improved sanitation, cable car system, pacifying police unit wit police controlling the community
  • was the favela barrio project a success?
    the quality of life mobility and employment has improved however the newly built infrastructure isn't being maintained, residents lack skills and resources to make repairs, more training needed to improve literacy and employment
  • how have the Olympics affected the favelas?

    some favelas had to be demolished for the games so the small town Campo Grande saw 800 houses being built-for some people the houses were better than the favelas however for some the town lack community, has no shops and is 90 minutes away from the city centre