
Cards (8)

  • capital
    -particular resources individuals have access to
    -can be invested / exchanged for goods
  • cultural capital
    -having cultural aspects
    -skills, values, knowledge, norms
  • educational capital
    -knowledge & skills students acquire in school
    -used to learn new things
  • economic capital
    -having money / economic assets
  • social hierarchy
    -levels of particular capitals used to locate individuals social hierarchy
    -position occupied affects person's life chances
    -affects levels of aspirations & expectations
  • Bourdieu
    -three types of capital:
    > cultural
    > economic
    > educational
    -capital can be converted
    -children with one have advantage of gaining others
  • test of Bourdieu's ideas
    -Sullivan used questionnaire
    -conduct survey of 465 pupils in 4 schools
    -assessed cultural capital > asked about range of activities
    -tested vocabulary & knowledge of cultural figures
    -read complex fiction & serious documentaries = wider vocabulary
    = greater cultural knowledge
  • test of Bourdeius ideas > greatest knowledge
    -children of graduates