The Digestive System

Cards (12)

  • Digestion is the process of breaking down large molecules of food into small soluble molecules so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstreams and unnecessary substances can be excreted.
  • The mouth physically breaks down food.
  • Salivary glands release amylase in order to break down starch.
  • The oesophagus carries food to the stomach.
  • The stomach contains acid to kill bacteria. Protease in the stomach also breaks down proteins.
  • The liver produces bile to break down fats.
  • The gall bladder stores bile.
  • The pancreas produces amylase, protease and lipase.
  • The small intestine absorbs nutrients such as glucose.
  • The large intestine absorbs water and produces vitamin K.
  • The rectum stores faeces and the anus pushes faeces out.
  • The digestive system is an example of an organ system in which several organs work together to digest and absorb food.