Genetic engineering

Cards (14)

  • Modifying the genetic material of an organism
    1. Gene of desired characteristic is cut out of an organism
    2. Gene is transferred to the genetic material in the cells of another organism
    3. Gives the other organism the desired characteristic
  • Desired characteristics in plant crops
    • Resistant to certain diseases
    • Better fruits
    • Grow bigger
  • Genetic engineering process
    1. Enzyme used to isolate and cut out gene from organism
    2. Gene inserted into a vector using more enzymes. Vector is usually a plasmid or virus
    3. Vector then used to insert gene back into recipient cell
    4. Genes are transferred to the cells at early stage of their development
    5. As organism grows it develops with the desired characteristics
  • Bacteria and fungi can be cultured on a large scale to make large quantities of protein from other organisms
  • Plant and animal cells, as well as bacteria and fungi, can now have genes transferred to them
  • Example of gene transfer
    • Genes from jellyfish used to produce crop that glows in the dark when lacking water
  • Mice have been modified to model human diseases
  • Examples of GM crops
    • Crops resistant to attack by insects because they have been modified to make their own pesticide
    • Crops more resistant to herbicides, allowing farmers to spray/kill weeds without damaging crops, increasing crop yield
    • Potatoes modified to make more starch
    • Soybeans producing a healthier balance of fatty acids
    • Crops resistant to common diseases like TMV
  • Scientists hope GM crops will feed world population, remove CO2, and cure human disorders
  • Benefits of genetic modification
    • Potential to cure inherent human disorders
    • Can make the proteins humans need in large quantities & pure form
    • Genetically modified mice mimic human diseases
    • Improved growth rate of plants & animals
    • Increased food values of crops as they have a bigger yield
    • Can grow in different climates
    • Produce plants that make their own pesticides/resistant to herbicides when to control needs
    • Can help solve world hunger
  • Unsure about long term effects of genetic modification
  • Concerns about the effect of eating GM food on human health
  • Genes from GM plants may spread to wild plants which will affect their emergence as GM plants may be infertile
  • Fear of human enhancement. People may want to manipulate genes onto their future children (born healthy, high intelligence, good looks)