History of genetics (Mendel)

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  • Until about 150 years ago, people had no idea how genetic information was passed from one generation to the next
  • Today, people can predict the outcome of a single genetic cross
  • Gregor Mendel
    An Austrian monk who first worked out the patterns of genetic inheritance
  • Mendel's experiments
    1. Used smooth peas, wrinkled peas, green peas and yellow peas
    2. Cross-bred the peas and counted the different offspring carefully
    3. Found that characteristics were inherited in clear and predictable patterns
  • Mendel's theory
    • There were separate units of inherited material
    • Some characteristics were dominant over others and never mixed together
  • Mendel published his findings in 1866
  • Mendel's work was not understood at the time as people did not know about genes or chromosomes
  • Mendel's work was finally accepted 16 years after his death in 1884
  • Development of genetics
    1. People saw chromosomes through a microscope and observed 'the dance of the chromosomes' during cell division
    2. Other scientists discovered Mendel's papers and repeated his experiments, giving him credit
  • In the early 20th century, scientists observed that chromosomes and Mendel's units of inheritance behaved in very similar ways
  • It wasn't until the 1950s that scientists finally put together the evidence to show that DNA is the material of inheritance and to explain how it works
  • Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin in London were looking at the structure of DNA using X-rays, while James Watson and Francis Crick at Cambridge were trying to build a 3-D model of DNA
  • The Cambridge team came up with the double helix structure for the DNA molecule, using Rosalind Franklin's X-ray results released without her permission by Maurice Wilkins
  • The gene theory states that genes code for proteins and this is how they have their effect
  • As scientists begin to understand more about how the environment can affect the proteins made by a particular gene, knowledge is moving forward again
  • The fundamental understanding of genetics and some of the most common genetic diseases that affect people is still based in the work of Gregor Mendel all those years ago