Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells

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  • Prokaryotic cells
    • Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells (between 100 - 1000 times smaller) so normal microscopes aren't really powerful enough to look at their internal structure.
    • Prokaryotic cells also differ from eukaryotic cells in having:
    • A cytoplasm that lacks membrane-bound organelles
    • Their ribosomes are structurally smaller (70 S) in comparison to those found in eukaryotic cells (80 S)
    • No nucleus (instead they have a single circular DNA molecule that is free in the cytoplasm and is not associated with proteins)
    • A cell wall that contains murein (a glycoprotein)
  • Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes similarities
    -plasma membrane
    -ribosome for assembling amino acids into proteins
    -DNA and RNA
  • Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes differences
    -DNA in nucleus in Eukaryotes
    -no nucleus in Prokaryotes
    -much less well-developed cytoskeleton with no centrioles in Prokaryotes
    Some prokaryotic cells also have:
    • a protective waxy capsule
    • small loops of DNA (plasmids)
    • flagella
    • pili
  • Flagella

    -a long, tail like structure which rotates to move the cell(some prokaryotes have more than one)-not present in all prokaryotes
    • Found in specialised cells
    • Similar in structure to cilia, made of longer microtubules
    • microtubules contract to provide cell movement for example in sperm cells
  • Plasmid

    -small loops of DNA that are separate from the main circular DNA molecule-not present in all prokaryotes
    • Plasmids contain genes that can be passed between prokaryotes (e.g. genes for antibiotic resistance)
  • Capsule

    -Some prokaryotes (e.g. bacteria) are surrounded by a final outer layer known as a capsule. This is sometimes called the slime capsule.-not present in all prokaryotes
    • It helps to protect bacteria from drying out and from attack by cells of the immune system of the host organism
  • Pili
    -hair-like structures which attach to other cells or surfaces; involved in sexual reproduction