The immune system

Cards (16)

  • The immune system destroys pathogens and any toxins they produce
  • The immune system protects us incase the same type of pathogen invades again in the future
  • Immune system involves white blood cells
  • One way white blood cells are used is by ingesting and destroy pathogens
  • White blood cell detects chemicals released from pathogen and moves towards it
  • The white blood cells then ingest (DO NOT SAY EAT) pathogens
  • White blood cell then uses enzymes to destroy the pathogen. This process is called phagocytosis
  • Another way to use white blood cells is through antibodies.
  • Antibodies are protein molecules produced by white blood cells
  • This white blood cell is producing antibodies (the green thingys)
  • The anibodies stick to the pathogens, this triggers the pathogens to be destroyed
  • Antibodies are extremely specific. e.g if a person catches measles they will develop antibodies against the measles virus however those antibodies ONLY protect against the beasles virus. They will not protect against other pathogens.
  • Antibodies remain in the blood for a long time, this means they can protect us incase we get affected again witht the same pathogen
  • Lastly, the final way white blood cells are used is through anti-toxins
  • Certain types of bacteria can release toxins (these chemicals makes us feel unwell) White blood cells can produce chemicals called 'anti-toxins'
  • Anti-toxins stick to toxin molecules and prevent them from damaging cells