important stuff

Cards (5)

  • biopsy need le path liver in horse:
    skin, fascia, cutaneous m., external intercostal, internal intercostal, parietal costal pleura, diaphragmatic pleura, diaphragm muscle, parietal peritoneum, visceral peritoneum, liver
  • borders for lung auscultation:
    • basal: 2 hands breadth from costal arch
    • cranial border: triceps muscle mass level with rib 5
    • dorsal border: line drawn from tuber coxae to the angle of the scapula
  • A thoracocentesis on the RIGHT 6th or 7th intercostal. On the LEFT 7th or 8th intercostal space
    Both halfway between point of elbow and point of shoulder
    always approach on the cranial border of a rib to avoid nerves and bvs
  • the ventral meatus runs parallel to the facial crest in the horse
  • the base of the caecum has a peritoneal attachment to the dorsal body wall, cranial to the sublumbar fossa