The study of the adverse effects of chemicals and physical
agents on living organisms
The study of the adverse effects of “xenobiotics” on living systems, and interaction of exogenousagents with
mammalian physiologic compartments
Tabaco smoke and combustion of Fossil fuel/ Petrochemicals fuels
Gas, Hydrocarbon, Radiation
Pesticides, Insecticides, Germicides
Clinical Toxicology
-Also known as “medical toxicology”
Clinical Toxicology
-an area of professional emphasis in the realm of medical science
that is concerned with the disease caused by or uniquely associated
with toxic substances
Clinical Toxicology
Concerned with topic effects whose intent is to treat ameliorate disease
corpus delecti
body of evidence
any agent which may cause serious body injury, disease or death when applied, introduced into, or developed within the body
Intrinsic ability of an agent to harm living organism
-Adverse health effect associated with a change, reduction or loss of a vital function.
Ex: Hangover, Overdose
-Dose or amount
-Individual human factor
-Genetic factor
-Route of Exposure
-Shape and Structure of Chemical
Intoxication - Toxicity associated with any substance
POISONING -a clinical toxicity secondary to accidental exposure
OVERDOSE -an intentional exposure with the intent of causing self-injury or death
HAZARD - likelihood that injury will occur in given situation or setting , something that can potentially cause
-expected frequency of the occurrence of an undesirable effect arising from exposure to a chemical or physical
-risk = hazard + exposure
TOXINS - poisons that are naturally produced.
TOXICANTS - poisons that are produced artificially, they are by-products of
anthropogenic activities.
CONIINE - poison Hemlock Conium Maculatum (caused death to Socrates)
PODOPHYLLOTOXIN - American Mandrake
TOXIDRONES -Signs and Symptoms associated with any substance
HARMFUL/ADVERSE EFFECTS - are those that are damaging to either the survival/normal function
of the individual
EXPOSURE - is the amount of chemical that is available for absorption.
SAFETY - is the probability that harm will not occur under specified conditions (the
inverse of risk).
SELECTIVETOXICITY - means that a chemical will produce injury to one kind of living matter without
harming another form of life, even though the two may exist close together
Toxicology, like medicine, is both a science and an art.
The science of toxicology is defined as the observational and data-gathering phase,
whereas the art of toxicology consists of the utilization of the data to predict outcomes of exposure in human and animal
populations. In most cases, these phases are linked
because the facts generated by the science of toxicology
are used to develop extrapolations and hypotheses to
explain the adverse effects of chemical agents in situations
where there is little or no information
CLEOPATRA -Suspected cause of death bitten by an
asp (Egyptian cobra) causing respiratory failure
EBERS PAPYRUS a scroll containing information pertaining to many
recognized poisons such as hemlock, Aconite, opium
and metals like Pb (plumbism),
Cu (Wilson’s disease), Sb
HIPPOCRATES: -added a number of poisons and clinical toxicology principles pertaining to
bioavailability in therapy and overdosage
-Father of Medicine