These are proteins produced by the liver and immune cells that become activated by cleavage, leading to an activation cascade. These proteins are present in both the blood and the tissues, with low concentrations in the CSF, and generate antimicrobial effects. These proteins can be activated following three pathways.
Describe the different anti-microbial roles of complement proteins
Form the membrane attack complex, which makes holes in bacterial membrane.
C3b proteins coat microbial surface and tags them for phagocytosis (opsonisation).
C5a induces a chemotaxis of neutrophils and monocytes.
Describe the classical pathway of complement activation
This pathway acts as part of the adaptive immune system as it is activated by the binding of antigens to the Fc portion of antibodies. This reveals the complementbindingsite which results in activation of C1 and consequently C4 and C2 proteins that form the C4b2b complex. This forms C3convertase, which cleaves C3 into C3a and C3b. Then C4b2a3b complex forms, which is the c5convertase that cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b.
Describe the lectin complement pathway
This pathway is activated when mannose-binding lectin binds to mannose on bacterial cell surface, which activates MBL-associated serineproteases that cleave C2 and C4 to form C4b2a, the C3convertase. This pathway then follows the classical pathway, with the same c5convertase.
Describe the alternative complement pathway
This pathway is activated by the binding of C3b protein to bacterial surface, which leads to the formation of the alternative C3convertase,C3bBb. This binds with C3b to form the C5convertase, (C3)2Bb.
Describe how the complement cascade leads to opsonisation
C3b bind to surfaces not coated with sialicacid residues (bacterial surfaces), which is proteolytically cleaved to form iC3b. This acts as an opsonin by binding to complementreceptorsCR2 and CR3 (binding to CR1 is not sufficient for opsonisation).
Describe the formation and action of the membrane attach complex
This forms from C5b, C6, C7, C8 and C9, which insert into the bacterial cell membrane forming transmembranechannels, which lead to osmoticlysis of gramnegative bacteria.
Describe the complement proteins that act as inflammatory mediators
C5a, c3a and C4a can act as anaphylatoxins (activate mast cells)
C5a is important for chemotaxis
These proteins can also cause vascularpermeability
Describe T-cells
There are two main types of T cells known as CD8 and CD4 T cells, which are characterised by glycoprotein markers on their surface.
CD8 T cells: form cytotoxic T cells that participate in cell-mediated immunity
CD4 T cells: these differentiate into effector Thelper cells, which help B cells become plasma cells and help CD8 T cells become cytotoxic T cells, as well as activatemacrophages via the secretion of IFN-gamma
T cell receptors can recognise peptide antigens presented on the surface of antigen presenting cells, such as macrophages, via MHC molecules.
Describe MHC molecules
MajorHistocompatibilityComplexes consist of two major classes that present peptide antigens to the 2 main types of T cells.
MHC I : present antigens of cytoplasmic origin to CD8 T cells
MHC II: present phagocytosed antigens of extracellular origin to CD4 T cells
Describe antibody-mediated immunity
Antibodies can kill microbes via:
agglutination: causes microbes or pathogen to aggregate and therefre blocks binding to target
Faciitate phagocytosis via opsonisation
Activation of complement proteins
Block adhesion to host cells
What mechanisms do bacteria deploy to avoid recognition by phagocyte?
Bacteria capsules prevents bacteria from contacting phagocytes. As well as this, the capsule can prevent binding of C3breceptors found on phagocytes from binding to C3b on the bacterial cell wall. Furthermore, the capsule shields the bacteria from antibody binding to antigens, and therefore prevent complement activation via the classical pathway.
Describe the structure of bacterial capsules
Capsules are loose and relatively unstructured polymer coats that are mainly composed of polysaccharides.
Describe the different mechanisms of bacteria to resist phagocyte killing
Resistance to nitricoxide and reactiveoxygenspecies:catalase, cell surface polysaccharides interact with reactive oxygen species and they can reduce the strength of oxidativeburst.
Resistance to defensins
Toughcellwalls that refract the action of lysosomal proteases and lysosomes
Resistance to lowpH by producing urease and protonpumps
Describe how bacteria prevent MAC mediated lysis
Bacteria can have a long O-antigen, which means that MAC is deposited away from the cellmembrane.
(C5b in the MAC has a highaffinity for O-antigen)
How do bacteria prevent binding of complement proteins?
Produce surface protein that prevents opsonisation: Mprotein of Streptococci acts as a receptor for factorH that potentiates C3bBbdissociation
Produce a protease to destroy complement: C5a and C3b proteases
Shedouter membrane vesicles so that complement binds to the shedded membrane
Describe the strategies of bacteria to avoid antibody response
Molecular mimicry: express antigen similar to host structures, e.g., sialicacid capsule
Coating with host proteins, e.g., fibronectin binding protein
Phase variation: switching on and off of surface proteins
What is antigenic variation?
Changes in gene sequence leading to changes in the amino acid sequence of an antigen
What is phase variation?
This is reversible on/off switching resulting in variation in the level of expression of one or more antigens
Describe the four mechanisms of bacterial phase and antigen variation
DNA inversion: Cre-LoxP system, LoxP sites facing oneanother
DNA methylation: turn off and on promoters
Complex recombination systems: e.g., gene transfer by homologousrecombination
Slippedstrandmispairing: involves repetitive DNA that results in frameshifts that affects translation or promoter activity
How can bacteria avoid phagocytosis?
Produce molecules that depolymeriseactin and therefore block phagocytic processes
They release toxins that kill phagocytes by inducing apoptosis
Produce antioxidants, e.g., catalase, and urease (raises pH) that allow them to resist killing